jueves, 21 de febrero de 2013


Hi everyone!

Loch Ness is famous for Nessie, the monster. Watch the adventure of the Spooky Sisters in the Loch Ness and answer these questions:
  • What is Emilia eating at the beginning of the episode?
  • What do they use to go inside Loch Ness?
  • What do they use to get Nessie's attention? Did it work?
  • What is plan B?
  • Who finally takes the photograph of Nessie?

The deadline to answer these questions is the 1st of March. If you answer the questions in English correctly, you will get a prize!

Good Luck,
María Jesús

miércoles, 13 de febrero de 2013

Para los papis:desvaríos de un padre/madre angustiad@

De viaje a Edimburgo... La idea, así, en frío, parece estupenda. Lo van a pasar genial y será una experiencia enriquecedora. Además, seguro que le sirve para aprender lo que es cuidar de un@ mism@.
Pero...¿no serán un poco pequeñ@s? Estamos hablando de sexto de Primaria. ¿No son cuatro noches un poco mucho? Es que me parece que fue ayer cuando l@llevé al cole por primera vez. No sé hasta qué punto va a ser capaz de hacerse cargo de conservar su ropa (de modo que siga ostentando su propiedad), de mantenerse razonablemente limpi@,de cuidarse y de vivir tres días sin mi ;)

Se van de viaje muyyyy lejos  y además con prohibición absoluta, por parte de los maestr@s, de llevarse móviles.
Ya sé que nos informarán con frecuencia, del tipo: "Ya han llegado, todo según programa, en Edimburgo llueve..." claro que llueve , allí no hace otra cosa que llover...
En fin, que mosca nos habrá picado¿? Queremos demostrar ser tan modern@s cuando en realidad no lo somos...
Lo que hubiéramos tenido que hacer, los papis, es ser coherentes con nuestro más profundo sentir y negarnos a que se siguiera la antigua tradición de esta escuela de mandar a nuestros bebés de viaje.
Revolución, protestas... Cartas al Ministerio... huelga... 
No hemos hecho nada.
No sólo. En las reuniones de padres todo el mundo con la sonrisa tonta en la cara: "ah qué bien, harán eso¿? ooohhh, qué maravilla... fantástico!
Hipócritas, simplemente hipócritas.
Tod@s estábamos sufriendo pensando en nuestr@s  hij@s lejos del nido, día tras día, con maestr@ cansad@s y distraíd@s en medio de peligros de todo tipo...
No puede ser...

Además un padre, para calmarnos! Dice: A Edimburgo ¿? pues los de 13 se van a New York y los de 14 se irán a Alcatráz ¿no?

Anabel...otra madre sufridora

The princess cricket and the dragoon

A long time ago when strawberry princess still existed in the highlands of Scotland, there was a young heir to the throne, named Gemma of Bourjois. She was a beautiful princess without an ounce of sadness in her face. She had shiny, smooth black hair that made her worthy of all admirers. But she had one small imperfection, she was short-sighted.

All of the noble single gentlemen wished to marry her but she was already engaged to a noble gentlemen from Spain. Her mother, the queen, had died the same day she was born. Immediately, Lady Avara of Hardware, an evil princess, became her stepmother. Only a few months after her birth, the evil stepmother had promised Gemma´s hand in marriage to a noble young man from France, Yves de Rocher so that she could acquire Gemma´s lands and form an empire of tyranny in all of Europe. However, Gemma of Bourjois only loved one man, Albert Kinderbueno and wished to be with him for the rest of her life. Unfortunately, Albert Kinderbueno was a simple dragon keeper and this separated them. Dragons were used in war to take each other´s lands, and that´s why dragon tamers existed.

Spring arrived and Gemma go to the French castle with her suite. Little by little, Gemma became sad. Her eyes didn´t have that sparkle, her skin turned dull, her hair had lost all the eminence. According to the doctor, she was dying of love and there was no cure for her sickness. With the insistence of Gemma´s father, the king, her evil step-mother offered one solution: Alberto Kinderbueno would have a dual with with noble Frenchman so that the winner would win Gemma´s hand in marriage. The evil stepmother knew that Yves de Rocher would win because he was trained in the martial arts. And little by little, the evil stepmother would take Gemma´s throne, like she had done with her husband´s lands. But no one remembered that Albert possessed the greatest treasure, his friend and companion, Gloin, a dragon.

Although big and scary, dragons weren´t damsel eating animals as they were thought to be. They were caring animals with hearts as big as their bodies. They ate insects, plants and fish. Gloin was like every other dragon. He was huge but respected the life of every human being.

The day of the dual arrived, the sky was dark and rainy. Nothing good can come from this day. The dual started off in a fierce way. The young Albert immitated the moves of a dragon and that worried his adversary. The evil stepmother discovered his tactic that Gloin, the dragon, directed his keeper in the fight. Lady Avara only saw one solution, kill Gloin so she could be queen of all of Europe. So she quickly ran to dragon and pushed him off the cliff where he found his end.

Seeing the sad end of his friend, Albert and Gemma ran to save him. Aready on the edge of the cliff, they saw themselves as Gloin and the evil stepmother still grabbing hold on the edge of a rock, to keep from falling. Gloin looked at them with a few sad little eyes, knowing that death came soon. However Lady Avara uttered horrendous screaming "take me out of here you cursed!" Help me! "Help!" To help his loyal companion, both Albert and Lady Gemma decided to join their forces to save the dragon.

Lady Avara looked furiously while they managed to save Gloin, suddenly the rock moved, and she fell to the bottom as she cursed "if so much love you had your nasty dragon I condemn you, Albert de Kinderbueno to be Gloin for the rest of your life, and you, thankless stepdaughter to be food for dragons, a miserable and horrible cricket... forever jamaaaaaaaasssssss" said this evil greedy Lady while he was lost in the darkness of the precipice.
Translated for María

domingo, 10 de febrero de 2013

Old Town, New Town

Old Town: ha protegido la estructura medieval.Un extremo esta cerrado por el castillo .Se pueden encontrar plazas grandes que marcan lugares de importantes como la catedral de Saint Giles.

New Town: fue la solución de la sobre población de Old Town en el siglo XVIII 
María Martín  6º A


As Scotland is known for its cloudy landscape, cliffs and kilts, so it is by bagpipes.
How does this curious instrument work?
The bagpipe is a wind instrument with several wooden pipes that move when air passes.
The musician has to fill air bag bagpipes and then tighten it to pass by pointer (a kind of flute that produces the melody) and a series of drones porpor (tubes that emit a single note). Bagpipe ofthis form produces a continuous sound that is then articulated as melody when the piper fingers cover the various holes of the pointer.

Gema 6ºB

La moneda

Hola, esta entrada os servirá para organizar un poco el cambio del dinero para el viaje que realizaremos a Edimburgo.
La libra esterlina (Staerling Pound en inglés) es la moneda del Reino Unido así como de las Dependencias de la Corona y Territorios Ultramarinos británicos. En sus demás territorios coloniales se usan diferentes divisas pero fijadas a la esterlina: la libra gibraltareña libra malvinense y libra de Santa Elena. Su símbolo monetario es £ y proviene del latín libra, que se refería a la unidad de masa. Una libra se divide en cien peniques.
En Escocia se utilizan tanto los billetes impresos en Inglaterra como los fabricados en Escocia que, a pesar de tener un aspecto diferente, son legales en todo el Reino Unido. Existen billetes de 5, 10, 20, 50 y 100 libras esterlinas

Y el cambio aproximado de euros a libras a 2 de febrero:
50 € = 43,4700 libras.
¡Cuidadín con lo que gastáis!
Gema 6ºB


El centro histórico de Edimburgo esta dividido en dos grandes áreas verdes por los Princes Street Gardens
Hacia el sur encontramos el Castillo de Edimburgo que se asienta sobre una zona volcánica denominada Castle Rock 
Encaminándonos hacia el norte encontramos Old Town.
Si nos dirigimos hacia el oeste del castillo llegaremos al distrito financiero, plagado de edificios bancarios. 

Probablemente el edificio mas llamativo sea el Centro Internacional de Conferencias de Edimburgo.
La ciudad vieja y la ciudad nueva de Edimburgo fueron declaradas Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la Unesco en el año 1995.

Sandra 6º B

viernes, 8 de febrero de 2013

New questions!!!!!

When was the first settlement oh humans in Edinburgh?
Why is named “David’s tower” in this way?
What was the Edinburgh’s population in 1700?
When was the first golf club founded?
What happened in 1910?
What will happen between 14th and 18th April 

Answers will be found here:

martes, 5 de febrero de 2013


Hi  everyone! 

In this video you'll discover the five top attractions in Edinburgh. Watch the video and decide if the following sentences are TRUE or FALSE:

  1. In Holyrood you'll find the royal residence and some ruins.
  2. Saint Giles Cathedral is located outside the city of Edinburgh.
  3. Scott Monument is dedicated to a Scottish painter.
  4. From Calton Hill you can enjoy a fantastic view of Edinburgh
  5. Edinburgh Castle was destroyed in 900 b.c. by a volcano.
All the people that answer correctly will get a prize! So...hurry up! The deadline is the 10th of February.

Good Luck!
María Jesús