viernes, 8 de febrero de 2013

New questions!!!!!

When was the first settlement oh humans in Edinburgh?
Why is named “David’s tower” in this way?
What was the Edinburgh’s population in 1700?
When was the first golf club founded?
What happened in 1910?
What will happen between 14th and 18th April 

Answers will be found here:

4 comentarios:

  1. 1- Around 900 BC.
    2- Because David II orders the rebuilding of the castle in 1356.
    3- In 1700 the population of Edinburg was about 50.000.
    4- It was funded in 1744.
    5- The first electric trams run.
    6- We will go to Edinburg.

    Nayra 6ºB

  2. Hello! I like your blog very much. I think is a good idea for promotion your school and Edinburgh city.

  3. you are of edinburgh?
